Job Seekers – The Essentials

After more than 30 years in the corporate world, including more than 25 different organisations, the exposure to multiple industries and more importantly, my passion for helping others in their career development, I feel I want to give back to the professional community. These essential tips will help set you on the right track to start your job seeking journey.

Job Seekers
Networking strategies when applying for jobs – Creating your LinkedIn Profile

Networking strategies when applying for jobs

When it comes to finding the right job and the ideal company to work for or to making key connections in the market, acquiring solid networking strategies with other professionals in your industry and with like-minded individuals, will make a huge difference. This course will provide you with some strategies to become proficient in this important area not just as you go through the job seeking process but also for your entire professional life.

The Job interview Stage – Strategies for Success

The job interview stage is one of the most critical areas of the job seeking process. After working in so many companies in my career (plus my countless attempts to obtain a position in others where I was not successful) I feel in a comfortable position to advise in this area. Body language, eye contact, adequate answers to ‘important interview questions’ and the initial engagement with your potential future employer, are just a few elements to bear in mind when attending an interview. This course will assist you in succeeding in one of the most challenging stages of your job seeking journey.

The Job interview Stage – Strategies for Success
Considerations about your Career

Considerations about your Career

Planning your career development

It is never too late to invest some time in this important aspect of your professional life. Planning and developing your career could be the difference between success and failure.

Career Transition

Are you thinking about a career transition but do not know where to start? Well, I can assure you that I probably relate to many of the questions and doubts you may have right now. I have been in that same position not just once or twice but three times. It requires a lot of planning, confidence and – no less important, – a great deal of clarity as to what you want.

Defining your purpose

I know this can be daunting, but the reality is that many of us right now are trying to find a purpose in our professional life. Believe me, you are not alone. It is more common than you think. Particularly in the corporate space, there are so many people not enjoying what they do for a living. But it really doesn’t need to be like that. There is another way, and I can provide you with tips and strategies to find clarity on your path.

This course will help you.

Considerations about your Career

Personalised Consultation

I get it. Your situation might be unique, and you need tailored career advice to assist with your particular circumstances. Perhaps you need guidance with strategies you have implemented but for some reason are not returning the results you are expecting. It might be the case that you are searching for some kind of motivation to propel you on your journey… trust me, I often need that sort of encouragement too, so I know what it is like. If this sounds familiar or if you have any other queries where you feel a personalised consultation might help, please reach out and make an appointment. I might be able to help .

Personalised Consultation
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